Dear Mr. Sarira,
I am an employee in one of shipping line company in Jakarta. Now, my position is in grade of Senior Manager Operational and License. I know that my position in not suit as my formalities and it make me afraid if someday the Immigration officer ask me about the different position. Can you tell me what should I do if my frighten happened? Thank you.
Hi Mr. Buvack,
Yes you are in trouble and sorry to say that in face.
Actually the formalities officer in your company should prepare about this and service your formalities comply. I mean there is no different between RPTKA and IMTA towards your current position. Commonly, this condition can not be blamed to employee but it could be appear high impact to you. As Indonesian Immigration role (# 6/2011) stated on the article 71 that “every people have the obligation to give the information as accurate regarding on real condition, …. include of this are the occupation”. This rule have impact to penal sanction which is through to the deportation condition. Therefore, i suggest you to communicate again to your authority officer in your office and ask him to make your permit comply. Thank you and hope it meet as your expectation, thank you.
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