For Academic Year 2020 and onwards
The following table is the course distribution for all Business Law study program students. These courses will be offered to students from the intake of the academic year 2020/2021, which starts on September 1, 2020.
The lecturers who teach these courses are abbreviated their names as follows: AR (Agus Riyanto); ARM (Abdul Rasyid); AS (Ahmad Sofian); Bes (Besar); BMH (Batara Mulia Hasibuan); BP (Bambang Pratama); EH (Erni Herawati); ER (Erna Ratnaningsih); MBS (Muh. Battle Son); Nir (Nirmala Many); PAF (Paulus Aluk Fajar); RZ (Reza Zaki); Shi (Shidarta); SvH (Stijn van Huis); SY (Siti Yuniarti); VP (Vidya Prahassacitta).
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