About Business Law Department
Law is one of the most apparent pillar of a cultured and civilized society. Therefore, apart from abiding the law, to understand law is a must. This is why Bina Nusantara University chooses to open a program in law. Business Law is selected as the main study for the program. It is expected that the program would create graduates that are technically competent in practicing principles of Business Law in its utmost integrity. Integrity in education is one of the highest value.
Catalog 2016 (PDF), Catalog 2017 (PDF), Catalog 2018 (PDF), Catalog 2019 (PDF), Catalog 2020 (PDF), Catalog 2021 (PDF).
By 2035, Business Law Department of BINUS UNIVERSITY becomes a leading and reputable business law study program (center) with global competencies based on information and communication technology.
The mission of Business Law Department is to contribute to the global community through the provision of world-class education by:
- Educating students with fundamental knowledge, skill, and professionalism in the areas of business law based on ICT by providing them with excellent courses and internships in dealing with global challenges;
- Contributing in enhancing both legal theories as well as legal practices, especially in the research areas of business law based on ICT;
- Providing legal professional services to meet the needs of business communities benefitting, fostering, and empowering the Nusantara society-at-large;
- Creating outstanding potential leaders by taking advantage of any opportunities to broaden their perspectives in applying the legal theories and practices;
- Taking a part in the efforts to improve the quality of life of Indonesians through international collaborative partnership with various institutions;
- Serving legal or business practitioners with accurate and up-to-date data/information in the area of business law.
Program Objective
The objectives of the program are:
- To provide students with appropriate legal knowledge and skills as well as the competencies on information and communication technology;
- To prepare students to adapt to the dynamic conditions in their future careers;
- To prepare students with strong foundation on professionals legal ethics.
Student Outcomes
After completing the study, graduates are:
- Able to organize a real business case into a structure of legal problem in the framework of indonesian legal sources related to the ICT-based business areas in order to solve the problem facing both national and multinational business-law communities;
- Able to develop dispute resolution patterns in term of business dispute that conform to the perspectives of national and multinational business-law;
- Able to construct relevant legal reasoning skills by exploring various law-making methods as known in the discourse of legal discipline and then offering legal solutions in a comprehensive way by showing strengths and weaknesses of the respective alternatives of solution;
- Able to construct a legal argument both in the format of an oral argument and written elementary legal-document, completed with empirical data/information that is collected in the compulsary two semesters of internship program;
- Able to use information technology to improve student’s performance;
- Able to analyze the current issues in business law;
- Able to apply interdisciplinary knowledge and skills in developing alternative solutions for problem-solving.
Prospective Career of the Graduates
The Program Business Law at the undergraduate level (S1) basically provides many practical sciences that can be applied directly in the working world, for the choice of profession in study program include: litigation lawyers, in-house lawyers, IPR consultant, consultant in capital market, bankruptcy curator, mediators, arbiters, judges, prosecutors, or public notaries.