Dr. Stijn Cornelis van Huis, M.A.
Education |
- Propedeuse Southeast Asia Studies, Leiden University
- MA Southeast Asia Studies, Leiden University;
- PhD in Law, Leiden Law School. Leiden University
Skills |
- Legal researcher with strong analytical skills
- Experienced in law & society and legal research
- Experienced in empirical and desk studies within development projects in Indonesia
- Specialized in access to justice, Islamic courts, Muslim family law, customary law, and women’s and children’s rights in South east Asia, particularly Indonesia
Selected Publications |
- Between revenues and public service delivery: SOEs and PSAs in Indonesia (2020, second author);
- The Status of Children Born out of Wedlock and Adopted Children in Indonesia: interactions between Islamic, adat and human rights norms (2020);
- Khul ‘over the longue durée: the decline of traditional fiqh-based divorce mechanisms in Indonesian legal practice (2020);
- The Religious Courts: Does Lev’s Analysis Still Hold? (2020);
- Islamic courts and women’s divorce rights in Indonesia: The cases of Cianjur and Bulukumba (2015);
- The return of the native in Indonesian law: Indigenous communities in Indonesian legislation (2008).
Projects |
- Evaluation report for the international project “Enhancing Democracy and Citizens’ Trust in Governance: Adopting a Fair Treatment Approach in Indonesia’s Ombudsman Offices”, of the Ombudsman republic Indonesia, NederlandseOmbudsman, Vrije Universiteit, Van Vollenhoven Instituut (2019).
- Sustainability Strategy for the JSSP bilateral justice cooperation program between the Supreme Court of Indonesia and the Netherlands (2018);
- Reports and Policy Brief for the project “Strengthening Indonesia’s Ombudsman in the Regions (SIOR)” (2015)