Dr. Stijn Cornelis van Huis, M.A.

  1. Propedeuse Southeast Asia Studies, Leiden University
  2. MA Southeast Asia Studies, Leiden University;
  3. PhD in Law, Leiden Law School. Leiden University
  1. Legal researcher with strong analytical skills
  2. Experienced in law & society and legal research
  3. Experienced in empirical and desk studies within development projects in Indonesia
  4. Specialized in access to justice, Islamic courts, Muslim family law, customary law, and women’s and children’s rights in South east Asia, particularly Indonesia
Selected Publications
  1. Between revenues and public service delivery: SOEs and PSAs in Indonesia (2020, second author);
  2. The Status of Children Born out of Wedlock and Adopted Children in Indonesia: interactions between Islamic, adat and human rights norms (2020);
  3. Khul ‘over the longue durée: the decline of traditional fiqh-based divorce mechanisms in Indonesian legal practice (2020);
  4. The Religious Courts: Does Lev’s Analysis Still Hold? (2020);
  5. Islamic courts and women’s divorce rights in Indonesia: The cases of Cianjur and Bulukumba (2015);
  6. The return of the native in Indonesian law: Indigenous communities in Indonesian legislation (2008).
  1. Evaluation report for the international project “Enhancing Democracy and Citizens’ Trust in Governance: Adopting a Fair Treatment Approach in Indonesia’s Ombudsman Offices”, of the Ombudsman republic Indonesia, NederlandseOmbudsman, Vrije Universiteit, Van Vollenhoven Instituut (2019).
  2. Sustainability Strategy for the JSSP bilateral justice cooperation program between the Supreme Court of Indonesia and the Netherlands (2018);
  3. Reports and Policy Brief for the project “Strengthening Indonesia’s Ombudsman in the Regions (SIOR)”  (2015)